Julianna Kardish - Scholars - The Gordon Parks Foundation

Julianna Kardish is a senior completing a joint concentration in Social Anthropology and Art, Film, and Visual Studies at Harvard University. In her academic studies, Julianna pursues interdisciplinary, creative projects, combining both fields of art and anthropology. In her artistry, Julianna specializes in oil painting and photography. Since 2018, Julianna’s anthropological research has been located in South Africa, where she completed her senior thesis: a creative ethnography titled, “A Counter-cartography of Cape Town: Tracing the Grounded Realities of Homeless Women in Crises.” After graduation, Julianna will be studying at the University of Cambridge, in order to pursue a career in museum curation. She is thrilled about museums’ potential to affect the social fabric of society, ignite new conversations among communities, and generate inclusive access points for the public to learn.